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Polymita Taxonomy Page

The Polymita sp. photo page #9

This is a photo and information page for the Polymita sp. of Cuba.
The listed species, subspecies,varieties and forms do not all have
available photos at the moment, they will have verified photos if I can
find specimens to photograph.

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Helix versicolor Born 1778
Original engraving, from Born 1780,
"Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis",
p. 386, plate 16, fig 10

Helix versicolor Born 1778
Original engraving, from Born 1780,
"Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis",
p. 386, plate 16, fig 9
[Aperture view]

The above engravings were generously submitted by Mr. Wayne Harland
and are scans from his personal copy of Born's 1780,
"Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis".

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Polymita versicolor
(Born 1778)

Southeast coast,
Province of Oriente, Cuba

Polymita versicolor
(Born 1778)
Southeast coast,
Province of Oriente, Cuba
[Aperture view]

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Polymita versicolor
var minor

Between San Antonio del Sur and Imías,
Southeast coast,

Province of Oriente, Cuba

Polymita versicolor
var minor

Between San Antonio del Sur and Imías,
Southeast coast,
Province of Oriente, Cuba
[Aperture view]


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Polymita versicolor
var reticulata

Near Jamal,
Northeast coast,

Province of Oriente, Cuba

Polymita versicolor
var reticulata

Near Jamal,
Northeast coast,
Province of Oriente, Cuba
[Aperture view]


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Polymita versicolor
var reticulella

Near Maisí,
Northeast coast,

Province of Oriente, Cuba

Polymita versicolor
var reticulella

Near Maisí,
Northeast coast,
Province of Oriente, Cuba
[Aperture view]

Discussion of the Polymita sp.

The Polymita is widespread throughout Oriente Province at the
easternmost part of the Island of Cuba, There are no Polymita
found on Isla de Pinos (the largest offshore key / island south of
Cuba) or any of the smaller adjacent offshore keys.

The following is a synopsis of information on these arboreal molluscs;
type locality, holotype or paratype depository and publication of
description. The photo pages will discuss them in groups in the
order shown on the main listing.

Polymita versicolor (Born1778) -
Type locality: "Long 10, Lat. 11 lin. Patria ignota"
Torre places the locality at South coast of Oriente Province, Cuba,
from Siboney, East of Santiago to Yateritas, at Guantanamo.

Holotype: Syntype as described in; Born, I. , 1780, Testacea Musei
Caesarei Vindobonensis, p. 386, plate 16, fig 9 & 10.
Holotype in Swiss museum (?).

Description: Born1778, Index Rerum Naturalium Musei
Caesarei Vindobonensis, p. 397-398.
(Helix versicolor).
Note: The Torre monograph has a typographical & transpositional error
stating; Born 1870 which should be Born 1778.

Polymita versicolor var. minor Torre1950 -
Type locality: Vicinity of San Antonio, Province of Oriente, Cuba.
Holotype: de la Torre collection, whereabouts ??
Description: Torre1950, "El Genero Polymita", Memorias de la Sociedad
Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey", 20(1): 1-20, 11 color plates.

Polymita versicolor var. reticulata Torre1950 -
Type locality: South of Baracoa to near Boca de Jaruco, Province of Oriente, Cuba.
Holotype: de la Torre collection, whereabouts ??
Description: Torre1950, "El Genero Polymita", Memorias de la Sociedad
Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey", 20(1): 1-20, 11 color plates.

Polymita versicolor var.
reticulella Torre1950 -
Type locality: Southeast of Baracoa near Playa Blanca, Province of Oriente, Cuba.
Holotype: de la Torre collection, whereabouts ??
Description: Torre1950, "El Genero Polymita", Memorias de la Sociedad
Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey", 20(1): 1-20, 11 color plates.

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