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The Distribution of Polymita


This unique tree snail is only found on the easternmost
Province of Oriente of the island of Cuba. Though widespread
throughout the province, the species, subspecies, varieties and forms
are found in discrete populations endemic to specific geographical areas.
The following maps, though not detailed, indicate the distribution of the
Polymita within the Province of Oriente.

cuba map polymitas

Map of the island of Cuba showing the general distribution of the genus Polymita

Distribution of the Polymita species

The following mini-maps show the localities of the species
(including subspecies and varieties) of the Polymita.
Only the Province of Oriente with
major cities and features
are shown for clarity.

picta distribution

brocheri distribution

Distribution of Polymita picta (Born 1778)
This species only occurs in the area delimited
by Baracoa to Guantanamo and to the east.

Distribution of Polymita brocheri ("Gutierrez" Pfeiffer 1864)
This species only occurs in the eastermost tip of Oriente
and specifically on the Mesa de Ovando area.

venusta range

sulphurosa distribution

Distribution of Polymita venusta (Gmelin 1792)
This species is absent from a large area surrounding
Sagua de Tanamo and the entire Baracoa area.

Distribution of Polymita sulphurosa (Morelet 1849)
This species only occurs in the area surrounding
Sagua de Tanamo and to the north coast.

versicolor distribution

muscarum distribution

Distribution of Polymita versicolor (Born 1778)
This species only occurs in the area surrounding
Guantanamo and to the south coast.

Distribution of Polymita muscarum Lea 1834
This species only occurs in the area from Nuevitas to
Sagua de Tanamo and to the north coast.

Note: If enough requests are received the mapping will be
expanded to indicate distribution of the subspecies and varieties.